I Love You

The 3 easiest word in the world to be expressed..

And yet, it takes forever for a person to say it sincerely to someone they love..

Frankly, although I knew how much I loved my family, but I can't recall when was the last time I said "I LOVE YOU" to any of my family member..

In a nutshell, I LOVE YOU is yet 3 simples words, but not many people can tell how much they love a person sincerely..Something which is being expressed truly from their heart with no other intentions but just LOVE..

I was rather moved by the current news..


Apparently, one of the deceased is from ChungLing's Leo Club president..
Well, I may not know him personally, but it felt so near..

People cried for him..People asked for his return..People expressed their love for him only when he's dead..
But there isn't any point to it anymore..He's not gonna feel it in another world right?

Wouldn't his life be much greater if they did it when he was still here..?

I may not know how long I would live in this world..But I guess, life's pretty unpredictable..
It's time for me to spread the love when I'm still alive I reckon..

Tell "I LOVE YOU" to those you truly appreciate in life before it's too late..


P/S : Whoever is reading this right now, I am sure we were somehow fated to actually get together..Sorry for all the mistakes I've done..And do know that there are so many great memories we've created out there =)


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